This is a simple animation test that was created using Arya, the main character from “Child No More,” a FIEA cohort 12 capstone project. The purpose of the test was to gain an understanding of game animation workflow in UE4, and to create a series of cycled animations that could transition seamlessly between each other. I began with a series of simple cycles: idle, crouch, walk, and jump. Each of these cycles needed to translate with the character's root while avoiding foot sliding. To do this, I also created unique transition animations to bridge the cycles. The final scene shows the cycles and transitions assembled together into a longer animation with constant root motion to demonstrate how the animations blend together to create the final arrangement.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Arya Test
This is a simple animation test that was created using Arya, the main character from “Child No More,” a FIEA cohort 12 capstone project. The purpose of the test was to gain an understanding of game animation workflow in UE4, and to create a series of cycled animations that could transition seamlessly between each other. I began with a series of simple cycles: idle, crouch, walk, and jump. Each of these cycles needed to translate with the character's root while avoiding foot sliding. To do this, I also created unique transition animations to bridge the cycles. The final scene shows the cycles and transitions assembled together into a longer animation with constant root motion to demonstrate how the animations blend together to create the final arrangement.
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